Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yay for Validation!

When I was in college and dancing and walking heavily, I had a recurring knee problem. Everyone thought I was nuts when I said it felt like my knee cap was going out of place. I just looked up Patellar Pain because it's come back again full-force (as a result of my going gung ho into the running I'm sure). So then I found these articles on Runner's Knee and Chondromalacia (same thing - different name/article). After doing research, all the symptoms and causes align. It's good to know that if I don't totally overdo it, it's something that will clear up. I need to lay off it though. I guess I'll have to go get myself a decent knee brace before the race and only do one more "long" run before then (long in finger "" because 3 miles really isn't that long). I know I can do it, so.... will definitely work on these exercises though to work on balancing my leg muscles. Dang, the human body is infinitly interesting from a Physics standpoint. I swear my mid-life crisis will be going back to school for Bio-Mechanics.

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