Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Little Bits

Not a lot has been going on, or maybe too much has been going on. THere's nothing coming to mind to write about since most of my life the past two weeks has been work, work, work, but as of tomorrow a new quarter and new fiscal year start, so things'll be roses for a bit. I'd love to comment on the current economic situation, but everyone's talking about it anyway. I just suggest that everyone educate themselves on what happened as illustrated by foul-mouthed stick figures (seriously, it's actually educational).

Also, considering the current economic situation, this is not a good time to be throwing money around on frivolous stuff (other than gobs of fabric that i will make something out of someday, I promise). As such, I am going to start my X-mas list for anyone who will want to know...
  • Straight pins, good ones (since 50% of mine are now L-pins)
  • Thread in any/all colors.... I hate buying thread. I'd rather just have it all. Meem, do not bother with the mini-thread collections from the dollar store or similar, I don't need scissors to cut it. that's how well it holds up. - it goes on sale occassionally, so watch fliers.

Lastly, having the world's largest calves, I really shouldn't be buying them, but I don't care -> Target has an amazing collection of crazy knee-socks right now. Go out and get them while supplies last!

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