Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Frustration ensues...

I've about had it & I feel like I'm on crazy pills or something. At least 5 times in the past month or two, we've tried to organize group activities and/or outings that a significant number of people expressed interest in. I'm not talking about "eh, sounds cool, I might want to go" - I mean "Yeah, awesome, I'd really like to do that. I'll go!" Then when I finally get it set up, a few days before said event it ends up just being J & I. I mean, I like spending time with him, but man. What's up with people? I really don't see the point in trying to set up a Haunted forest outing this year or even a party, for that matter. No one will come if I do set it up. It's freakin' depressing. Gonna go mope now.

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