It'll be interesting to see how this idea of "using the
Couch to 5K interval training to increase my speed" works out.... Currently I'm training on week 5... Brisk 5 min. walk, 3 min. run, 90 sec walk, 5 min run, 2.5 min walk, 3 min run, 90 sec walk, 5 min run.... Saturday's run was a tad bit disappointing, I wasn't feeling 100%, I didn't want to get my butt in gear and I kept choking on my own spittle (
iiieeeeewwwww....). Saturday I was slow. This was irritating since I'd been doing short runs at 7-8 min mile paces.... Today was much better and I was able to clock myself better. It went as follows:
- 3 Minute: clocked at a 7 min. mile or 8.44 mph
- 5 Minute: clocked at a 9 min mile or 6.5 mph
- 3 Minute: clocked at 8.25 min mile or 7.25 mph
- 5 Minute: clocked at 10 min mile or 6 mph
Granted, it is not horribly surprising that I can maintain a faster pace over a shorter distance and that my pace will slow as I get tired. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out over the next month or so. It seems like I almost get more tired when I take the walking breaks, though I have to admit that I'm doing a quick, speed-walking, shuffle thing in between each. I wonder what would happen with the speed overtime if I just kept oging to the whole 16 minutes.... I am hoping that I can average less that 10 min per mile for the duration come race time.
That would be cool. I doubt It'll be like the dream I had last night where I completed a 5K in 20:34.... that's a little less than 7 minutes per mile. While that would be AWESOME, it would also be highly unlikely. I'm hoping I didn't kick J in my sleep because I had a sore part in my thigh this morning that's normally sore from running. : )
Basically, here's my theory... I like running, but I have a short attention span. So I'm thinking that i'll be able to do longer races if I get faster because I can go farther in the same amount of time.
* crosses fingers *
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