Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This sums some of it up well...

So I discovered a podcast called "Livin' La Vida Low Carb" the other day during one of my various nutritional forays on the internet and he gets some interesting speakers on the show about health and nutrition. During the 300th episode edition Jimmy Moore is talking with Dr. Jonny Bowden and this one passage struck me as sooo true, so I wanted to share:

Jonny Bowden: "How did you become kind of a crusader for this [i.e. low carb/healthy nutrition]?"
Jimmy Moore: "You know, Jonny, when you change your life and I've met a lot of people since I started doing this who said 'You know what? I changed my life just like you did' and there's just something that happens within you, Jonny, when you make such a dramatic change in your lifestyle? I mean, the Jimmy Moore of 2009 heading into 2010 now, is nothing like the Jimmy Moore of 2003 and before... I don't even think the same way, I have kinda of a... a passion built up within me... it's like 'Hey! I've discovered something that worked for me and it's hard not to be passionate about it, Jonny, when you find out something that has helped you, the biggest thing you want to do is get out there and help other people."

Amen, Brother.

P.S. One of the other things that he goes on to say is that while lo-carb works for him, proper diet & nutrition is not a one-size fits all kind of thing and he's just on about trying to disseminate info about healthy living and nutrition in general to get people information and to get them to start thinking about the choices they make. Amen, again.

1 comment:

Jimmy Moore said...

Thanks for finding my podcast show, Binkle! And THANK YOU for sharing your comments about what I said. :)