Saturday, November 22, 2008


J just got home last night from a week long business trip. After saying hi, he says, "I have to bring something in the house and there's a story behind it." My thoughts: "uh-oh." So in he comes carrying a big box. He says, "So I was talking to the guy I was getting the box from and I said 'I'm going to put my wife's holiday present in here and then write: Laura's present, do not open. So then she won't look in it.' And the guy said 'If you do that, she's SURE to look in it! You should write: Old Newspapers or something.' and I said that wouldn't work because you would probably throw them out, so I'm wondering what I should write on the box so you won't open it." Really a strange conversation, but here's the result:

The artistry of the lettering leads me to believe that J missed his calling as a graphic designer. I just gotta love that man o' mine. : )

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